Monday, November 30, 2009


My family (minus Kate & Johnny) had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year up at the Manley’s farm in Louisville, Ky. The Manley’s are some real close family friends of ours. It was so much fun being back up in Louisville for Thanksgiving just like the good ol’ days growing up as kids when we would spend Thanksgiving at the Corrie’s on Floyd’s Knob, Indiana.

Manley's Guest House and Barn

Chris and I stayed at our buddy, Clay Manley’s condo in town. We enjoyed having a little break from the grownups so we could hang with some friends and make it out on the town at night. During the day, we would head out to Clay’s parents farm to hang with everyone. We had a great time shooting guns, shooting skeet, eating WAY too much food, using dixie cups and getting to see everyone including the Corrie’s who came over the day after Thanksgiving.  

Shooting Skeet

Shooting Skeet

Val & Wheatley

Chris & Wheatley

Shooting a Century .45-70   
Arguably, the most powerful revolver ever made.